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Part 73, Subpart G, Section 73.878 is a regulation in the Low Power FM (LPFM) radio service addressing station inspections and availability of station logs and records to the FCC.


LPFM stations must make their stations available for inspection at any time by employees of the Federal Communications Commission's Enforcement Bureau during business hours or any time the station is on the air. FCC staff that visits broadcast stations do carry credentials including a FCC ID card. Station staff needs to be aware of these types of inspections. Refusal to allow inspections can lead to enforcement action, including forfeitures.

Station records

The FCC may ask to view or even remove station logs or other station records. They will provide a receipt for any items removed, which should be kept in station records. Station staff should be familiar with the location of the various station records including station logs and be able to retrieve Emergency Alert System (EAS) logs upon request. The rule contains specific provisions that address LPFM stations licensed to law enforcement agencies regarding station records, which if removed could hinder a local law enforcement investigation.

LPFM stations are not required to maintain a public file, either online or in paper. Broadcast stations are no longer required to have their station license and other authorization documents posted in a prominent place.

EAS Handbook

LPFM stations must have a copy of the EAS Handbook at all control points of the station such as by each broadcast console that is used on the air as well as next to any computer that may be used to access the station's EAS logs.

Self Inspection Checklist

While not required by the rules, stations should periodically carry out the Self Inspection Checklist, which addresses many of the things the FCC looks for in station inspections and assures that the station remains in compliance. While the FCC version of the LPFM Self Inspection Checklist is out of date, a more updated version of the Checklist is available from REC Networks.

Alternate Broadcast Inspection Program

Alternate Broadcast Inspection Programs (ABIP) are conducted by the various state broadcaster associations (SBAs) to assist stations to assure that they are in compliance. In many cases, a station's participation in ABIP may prevent random inspections from the FCC's Enforcement Bureau for a period of three years, but would not prevent any targeted inspections such as EAS log inspections and response to complaints. SBAs will charge a fee for this service and that fee may vary between member and non-member stations.

Regulatory history

Enacted in the original 2000 LPFM Report and Order and has not been amended since.

Federal Register citation

65 FR 67304, Nov. 9, 2000

Text of regulation 47 CFR §73.877

§ 73.877 Station logs for LPFM stations.

The licensee of each LPFM station must maintain a station log. Each log entry must include the time and date of observation and the name of the person making the entry. The following information must be entered in the station log:

(a) Any extinguishment or malfunction of the antenna structure obstruction lighting, adjustments, repairs, or replacement to the lighting system, or related notification to the FAA. See §§ 17.48 and 73.49 of this chapter.

(b) Brief explanation of station outages due to equipment malfunction, servicing, or replacement;

(c) Operations not in accordance with the station license; and

(d) EAS weekly log requirements set forth in § 11.61(a)(1)(v) of this chapter.