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Part 73, Subpart G, Section 73.873 is a regulation that addresses the license terms for LPFM stations.

License terms for LPFM stations

The license terms for LPFM stations are normally the same as other radio broadcast stations as such, they renew at the same time as other radio stations.

The initial licenses for LPFM stations will be issued with an expiration date that is the same for all other broadcast stations in that state, therefore the term will be less than 8 years.

Renewal of station licenses

Renewal term

LPFM licenses are normally renewed for a full 8-year term and will be renewable again at the same time as other radio broadcast stations in the same state.

Shortened license terms

Licenses for any broadcast station may be shortened if it is determined by the Commission that during the license term, the station had an excessive amount of time being silent or for other compliance reasons. Stations on a shortened license term need to remain aware of their shortened expiration date as it may not always reflect in station license documents or in the LMS system.

Filing deadline

Stations need to be aware that the filing deadline for filing renewals is actually 4 months prior to the expiration date, including licenses granted for a shortened term. Stations must timely file their applications prior to the actual deadline date. Stations that do not file prior to the deadline four months before the expiration are subject to a forfeiture. In the past renewal cycle, the FCC did offer a grace period of 30 days after the filing deadline for late filings before proceedings would being to levy forfeitures. It cannot be guaranteed that the Commission will follow that same process in the next renewal cycle so it is important for stations to renew in time. During the previous renewal cycle, the forfeiture for late filing was $1,500.

Silent stations

Stations that are currently not broadcasting due to silence must still file their renewal 4 months prior to the expiration date. Silent stations will need to note on their application that they are currently silent. When the station resumes operation, in addition to filing a resumption of operations, stations also need to renew their renewal application to indicate that the station is on the air. They also need to disclose any period of silence for more than 30 days during the license term and explain the circumstances behind those silent periods in an attachment.

Public notice requirement

Broadcast stations, including LPFM stations must run Public Notice messages after the filing of the renewal application.

Petitions to Deny and Informal Objections

For timely filed applications, the deadline for the filing of Petitions to Deny against the renewal is 30 days prior to the expiration date of the license. During this time, any person who is considered a party in interest, such as a local resident or competing broadcaster may file a Petition to Deny. Any person, regardless of location may file an Informal Objection against the renewal any time up until the FCC's decision on the application.

Granting of renewal applications

Timely filed applications for stations that are on the air, have no objections, no previous silent periods or other administrative issues ("clean renewals") are normally granted approximately two weeks prior to the license expiration date.

Late filed applications will have a minimum 90 day delay before grant to allow for Petitions to Deny and Informal Objections.

Renewal applications will not be acted on by the FCC while the station is silent.

If the license is not granted by the expiration date, the station is still authorized to broadcast as long as they filed the renewal prior to the expiration date.

Stations that fail to file their license renewal application by the expiration date of the license will have their license cancelled as expired.

Renewal calendar for radio broadcast stations

The FCC divides the country into several renewal groups. Stations will need to file their renewal based on their renewal group. The state that the station is in is based on the state listed as the community of license for the facility, even if the transmitting site is physically in an adjacent state with a different renewal deadline date. If a deadline falls on a weekend or federal holiday, then the deadline is extended to the next business day.

Radio Broadcasting License Renewal Calendar
Renewal Group States and territories in this group Renewal applications must be filed by this date Licenses will expire on this date.
1 District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia & West Virginia June 1, 2027 October 1, 2027
2 North Carolina & South Carolina August 2, 2027 December 1, 2027
3 Florida, Puerto Rico & US Virgin Islands October 1, 2027 February 1, 2028
4 Alabama & Georgia December 1, 2027 April 1, 2028
5 Arkansas, Louisiana & Mississippi February 1, 2028 June 1, 2028
6 Indiana, Kentucky & Tennessee April 3, 2028 August 1, 2028
7 Michigan & Ohio June 1, 2028 October 1, 2028
8 Illinois & Wisconsin August 1, 2028 December 1, 2028
9 Iowa & Missouri October 2, 2028 February 1, 2029
10 Colorado, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota & South Dakota December 1, 2028 April 1, 2029
11 Kansas, Nebraska & Oklahoma February 1, 2029 June 1, 2029
12 Texas April 2, 2029 August 1, 2029
13 Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah & Wyoming June 1, 2029 October 1, 2029
14 California August 1, 2029 December 1, 2029
15 Alaska, American Samoa, Guam, Hawaii, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Oregon and Washington October 1, 2029 February 1, 2030
16 Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont December 3, 2029 April 1, 2030
17 New Jersey & New York February 1, 2030 June 1, 2030
18 Delaware & Pennsylvania April 1, 2030 August 1, 2030

Regulatory history

This rule was established in the original 2000 LPFM Report and Order. In 2012, it was amended in the Sixth Report and Order to remove references to successive license terms.

Federal Register citation

78 FR 2109, Jan. 9, 2013.

Text of regulation 47 CFR §73.873 LPFM license.

§ 73.873 LPFM license period.

(a) Initial licenses for LPFM stations will be issued for a period running until the date specified in § 73.1020 for full service stations operating in the LPFM station's state or territory, or if issued after such date, determined in accordance with § 73.1020.

(b) The license of an LPFM station that fails to transmit broadcast signals for any consecutive 12-month period expires as a matter of law at the end of that period, notwithstanding any provision, term, or condition of the license to the contrary.