Fourth Report and Order: Difference between revisions

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The FCC modified the LPFM spectrum availability study set forth in the ''Third Further Notice'' as follows. As before, they identified the number of available LPFM channels and licensed stations within the 31x31 grid and compared this number to each market’s channel floor. Then, they analyzed “spectrum available” markets to identify those where 75 percent or more of the total population in the 31x31 grid is located in the 21x21 grid. In these markets, the smaller grid contains the concentrated core population, they used the smaller grid to determine both the number of licensed stations and the number of channels available for future LPFM stations. Thus, “spectrum available” markets are those markets in which the number of LPFM channels within the applicable grid meets or exceeds the market’s channel floor. The FCC did not subject the 31x31 “spectrum limited” markets to the 21x21 population threshold test for several reasons. First, any such market would necessarily remain a “spectrum limited” market on the basis of a 21x21 grid analysis. More importantly, the 31x31 grid analysis in each of these markets establishes that few opportunities remain within the larger grid for new LPFM stations. Thus, the FCC found that it was necessary that our “spectrum limited” market translator application processing rules, as described below, protect all of the limited LPFM licensing opportunities within the larger grid in such markets. In addition, for the reasons stated above, they also will required a translator applicant in any top 50 spectrum limited market to demonstrate that its out-of-grid proposal would not preclude the only LPFM station licensing opportunity at that location (“Top 50 Market Preclusion Showing”) by making the showing described below.
The FCC modified the LPFM spectrum availability study set forth in the ''Third Further Notice'' as follows. As before, they identified the number of available LPFM channels and licensed stations within the 31x31 grid and compared this number to each market’s channel floor. Then, they analyzed “spectrum available” markets to identify those where 75 percent or more of the total population in the 31x31 grid is located in the 21x21 grid. In these markets, the smaller grid contains the concentrated core population, they used the smaller grid to determine both the number of licensed stations and the number of channels available for future LPFM stations. Thus, “spectrum available” markets are those markets in which the number of LPFM channels within the applicable grid meets or exceeds the market’s channel floor. The FCC did not subject the 31x31 “spectrum limited” markets to the 21x21 population threshold test for several reasons. First, any such market would necessarily remain a “spectrum limited” market on the basis of a 21x21 grid analysis. More importantly, the 31x31 grid analysis in each of these markets establishes that few opportunities remain within the larger grid for new LPFM stations. Thus, the FCC found that it was necessary that our “spectrum limited” market translator application processing rules, as described below, protect all of the limited LPFM licensing opportunities within the larger grid in such markets. In addition, for the reasons stated above, they also will required a translator applicant in any top 50 spectrum limited market to demonstrate that its out-of-grid proposal would not preclude the only LPFM station licensing opportunity at that location (“Top 50 Market Preclusion Showing”) by making the showing described below.

In the ''Third Further Notice'', the FCC proposed “LPFM Channel Floors” of potential LPFM licensing opportunities in the 150 largest markets, as well as smaller markets where more than four translator applications are pending. These channel floors range from 8 potential LPFM channels in the top 20 markets to 5 potential LPFM channels below the top 100 markets. They based these figures on a rough approximation of the number of noncommercial educational (“NCE”) stations in the top 150 markets. They selected the NCE FM service as a point of reference because that service is the radio service most similar to the LPFM service and, therefore, the best gauge of local community needs for such service. Commenters who addressed our proposed channel floors disputed neither our reasoning nor the specific ranges of channel floors or markets selected for those ranges. Thus, based on the examination of the record, they concluded that the proposed channel floors are a reasonable standard. They found that these floors adequately further the development of the LPFM service in spectrum-limited markets, as intended by Section 5(1) of the LCRA, and strike an effective balance by ensuring that licenses for both LPFM and translator services are available in as many communities as possible, as required by the collective reading of Sections 5(1) and 5(2) of the LCRA. Accordingly, they adopted the channel floors as proposed in the ''Third Further Notice''.
The FCC did, however, revise their processing approach with regard to certain translator applications in both “spectrum limited” and “spectrum available” markets. As an initial matter, they recognized that their use of the 21x21 grid in certain markets has turned some “spectrum available” markets into “spectrum limited” markets. For the reasons discussed above, they found that translators serve community needs, especially those in rural or underserved areas. As such, they agreed with NAB that translator applicants in “spectrum limited” markets should be given an opportunity to demonstrate that their applications, if granted, would not preclude any LPFM opportunities.  They would also will permit minor amendments to meet this “no preclusion” test. Translator applicants proposing “move-in” modifications and modification applications that propose to move into a “spectrum limited” market will also be allowed to make such a showing. This approach is also consistent with their combined reading of Sections 5(1) and 5(2) because it furthers the statutory goal of ensuring that the Commission provide licensing opportunities for both services in as many communities as possible. Prometheus and others fail to explain how this narrow exception to allow continued translator processing in a “spectrum limited” market will preclude LPFM opportunities, given that, as described in more detail below, we will require translator applicants to protect all channel/point combinations with the assumption that all LPFM applicants in these markets will be eligible for second-adjacent channel waivers. We likewise agree that translator applicants in “spectrum available” markets should be afforded some opportunity to amend their applications. As noted by many translator advocates, circumstances have changed since 2003, and transmitter sites may no longer be available. As described in more detail below, we will provide applicants with a limited opportunity to amend their applications so long as their proposals do not eliminate any LPFM channel/point combination in any of the 156 market grids and, where applicable, satisfy the Top 50 Market Preclusion Showing. We do not believe that allowing translator applicants these limited opportunities to amend their applications will impede our ability to guarantee licensing opportunities equivalent to the LPFM channel floors we adopt herein.

=== Prevention of Trafficking of Translator Permits and Licenses ===
=== Prevention of Trafficking of Translator Permits and Licenses ===