Part 73, Subpart G, Seciton 73.881 is a regulation in the Low Power FM (LPFM) broadcast service addressing equal employment opportunities.

In general FCC licensees shall afford equal employment opportunities to all qualified persons and shall not discriminate because of race, color, religion, national origin or sex.

Religious corporations, associations and educational institutions should also consult the advice from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regarding pre-employment inquiries and religious affiliation or beliefs.

LPFM stations are not required to submit EEO reports to the FCC.

Regulatory history

This rule was enacted in the original 2000 LPFM Report and Order and has not been amended since.

Text of regulation 47 CFR §73.881

§ 73.881 Equal employment opportunities.

General EEO policy. Equal employment opportunity shall be afforded by all LPFM licensees and permittees to all qualified persons, and no person shall be discriminated against because of race, color , religion, national origin, or sex.