Addressing Proceeding
Date Adopted
Date(s) Rules were Enacted
Nature of the outcome of the Order
LPFM Report and Order
LPFM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Jan. 27, 2000
Original LPFM service creation.
Order on Reconsideration
LPFM Report and Order
Sep. 22, 2000
Dec. 11, 2000
Third-adjacent complaint process, radio reading service protections, translator input protections, public safety carve-outs, student station carve-out, fixes to TV and LP-10 distance tables.
Second Report and Order
FCC initiated as a result of the enactment of the Radio Broadcast Preservation Act of 2001
Mar 22, 2001
Jun. 11, 2001
Required third-adjacent channel protections and removed the amnesty period on past pirate radio operations.
Second Order on Reconsideration
LPFM Report and Order and testimony from an FCC forum on LPFM stations.
Mar. 17, 2005
Extended the move distance allowed on minor modifications.
Third Report and Order
Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Dec. 11, 2007
Permits assignments of licenses after 3 years of operation, permits transfers of control including sudden board changes, imposed a limit of 1 LPFM station on educational licensees, imposed a localism requirement for licensees, new renewal expectancy for involuntary time share licensees that reach a universal agreement, allows requests to extend the construction period from 18 to 36 months, allows minor amendments beyond 5.6/3.5 km to allow for common time-share transmitter sites, imposes a cap of 10 applications on Auction 83 FM translator applications, eliminates §73.809 interference remediation requirements for subsequent full-service moves on second or third adjacent channels, allows LPFM stations displaced by full-service modifications to seek second-adjacent waivers on alternate channels and blocks certain full-service modifications if it will result in an LPFM displacement where the LPFM is unable to move to an alternate channel.
Third Order on Reconsideration
Third Report and Order
Mar. 19, 2012
Declared as moot, several Petitions for Reconsideration filed by various religious broadcasters regarding the cap of 10 translator applications based on actions taken in the Fourth Report and Order.
Fourth Report and Order
Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Mar. 19, 2012
Implements Section 5 of the LCRA. Develops process of dismissing FM translator applications in areas and on channels that foreclose on future LPFM opportunities. Defines channel floors, spectrum limited markets and spectrum available markets. Implements a nationwide cap of 50 Auction 83 FM translator applications and a limit of one per market. Expands FM translator use for AM stations.
Fifth Report and Order
Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Mar. 19, 2012
April 5, 2012
Implements a portion of Section 2 and all of Section 4 of the LCRA. Removes the requirement that LPFM stations must protect domestic third-adjacent channel facilities. The FCC retained third-adjacent protections towards FM stations operating radio reading services as well as towards foreign facilities pursuant to long-standing international agreements.
Fourth Order on Reconsideration
Third Report and Order
Mar. 19, 2012
FCC dismissed a petition for reconsideration by Ace Radio challenging the FCC's removal of second-adjacent channels from the LPFM interference remediation rule §73.809.
Fifth Order on Reconsideration
Fourth Report and Order and Fifth Report and Order
Nov. 30, 2012
No rule changes, only policy
Increased the national application cap for still-pending Auction 83 translator construction permits from 50 to 70 retaining a cap of 50 within the top 150 and other identified markets. Allowed translator applicants to prosecute up to 3 applications inside of a market upon a showing of an LPFM anti-preclusion study and then subject to certain conditions.
Sixth Report and Order
Fourth Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Nov. 30, 2012
Sixth Order on Reconsideration
Sixth Report and Order
Jun. 30, 2013
LPFM/NCE Administrative Order
LPFM/NCE Administrative NPRM
Dec. 10, 2019
LPFM Tech Order
LPFM Technical NPRM
Apr. 23, 2020