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Part 73, Subpart G, Section 73.870 is a regulation in the Low Power FM (LPFM) radio service concerning the processing of LPFM applications.

Minor changes to authorized facilities


A minor change to a licensed facility can be filed at any time. While the rules for LPFM state that applications are processed in the order they are tendered (filed), the FCC's Audio Division has been following the practice that is used in other broadcast services where applications that are filed on the same day are considered as simultaneously filed and both cannot be processed. This departure from the rules has resulted in cases where the FCC has not acted on pending LPFM applications until one of the two parties withdraw their application.

Applications that do not meet the requirements for a minor change are considered major changes and can only be filed during a designated LPFM filing window.

Channel changes

Channel changes are sometimes done by LPFM stations as a result of a change made by a full-service FM or FM Translator facility that increases the amount of interference received by the LPFM station.

Changing to a "minor" channel

As a minor change, an LPFM station can change to a first-adjacent, second-adjacent or third-adjacent channel. They can also change to an intermediate frequency channel 53 or 54 channels (10.6 or 10.8 MHz) away. For example, an LPFM station on 104.5 can change to first-adjacent channels 104.3 and 104.7, second-adjacent channels 104.1 and 104.9, third-adjacent channels 103.9 and 105.1 as well as intermediate frequency channels 93.7 and 93.9 MHz. No additional justification is necessary to change to one of these "minor" channels.

Changing to a "major" channel

In the case of interference either received by or caused by the LPFM station and none of the "minor" change channels are available or otherwise suitable, the LPFM station can change to any of the 100 FM channels (88.1~107.9). To change to a channel that does not meet the minor change requirements, a contour study must be conducted to demonstrate reduced interference.