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Part 73, Subpart G, Section 73.877 is a regulation in the LPFM service that addresses station logs.

LPFM stations are required to maintain a station log includes the following items:

  • Failures in the antenna structure obstruction lightning, adjustments, repair and replacement of lighting systems.
  • Station outages due to equipment malfunction, servicing or replacement.
  • Any operation not in accordance with the station license.
  • Emergency Alert System logs.

Log entries must include the name of the person making the entry and the date and time of the observation.

Regulatory history

This rule was enacted in the original 2000 LPFM Report and Order and was slightly amended in the 2000 Order on Reconsideration for editorial purposes.

Federal Register citation

65 FR 67304, Nov. 9, 2000

Text of regulation 47 CFR §73.877

§ 73.877 Station logs for LPFM stations.

The licensee of each LPFM station must maintain a station log. Each log entry must include the time and date of observation and the name of the person making the entry. The following information must be entered in the station log:

(a) Any extinguishment or malfunction of the antenna structure obstruction lighting, adjustments, repairs, or replacement to the lighting system, or related notification to the FAA. See §§ 17.48 and 73.49 of this chapter.

(b) Brief explanation of station outages due to equipment malfunction, servicing, or replacement;

(c) Operations not in accordance with the station license; and

(d) EAS weekly log requirements set forth in § 11.61(a)(1)(v) of this chapter.